Friday, October 13, 2006

Girls + Soccer = ?

Been seeing alot of girls playing soccer these days.
Specifically, at SAFRA.
Yesterday was an ALL-GIRLS team.
Today was mixed.

Its rare to see a girl dribble the ball so fast, with such skill.
It feels as if she is better than you.
Even rare to see girls going up against boys,
in a game that is so aggressive.

Seriously, as much as i LOVE soccer,
girls are meant for many other things.
You want to play a sport?
why not badminton? or swimming?
basketball even?
You ppl dont look good with street soccer shoes, stopping the ball with ur CHEST, and heading the ball here and there.

I'm not being sexist.
But i'm against girls playing soccer.
But by all means those who love it, play it and have as much fun as you can.
This is only my personal opinion.

But i gotta admit,
those that were playing today were damn fine.

My friend came along,
saw the court filled with girls.
First reaction,