~~@ = Zao Sia
Today was the last day of school.
As quoted from Zhuang Ling Zhen,
"Last time sing National Anthem, last time pledge taking ceremony,
last time sitting at us usual place in class etc etc etc"
Little did i expect much to happen during
flag raising ceremony this morning.
A moment so outrageous,
it will probably be imprinted on the history of
Gan Eng Seng School.
thn again, maybe just in our memories.
*add arch-villain music here*
Zao Sia is a popular joke among the sec 4s.
it can even be termed as a pop culture in GESS.
Defining Zao Sia
"Nobody knows how to define it, but yet, we comprehend it
as if it was Sexuality Education"
- Top graduate of Class of 1886
Zao Sia is defined as a moment when a person
unwillingly makes a funny high pitch sound,
when trying to say something.
It usually happens when you are excited,
and cant get a hold on urself.
It can also happen when u try to speak in a very unnatural,
or a very high pitch manner.
Zao Sia in Gan Eng Seng School.
"Because this is our school"
- random person
Zao Sia has been a great subject of mockery, teasing, joking,
and many more.
GESSIANs fret the fact that one day, they might Zao Sia,
be it in front of a common group of friends,
or even worse, in front of a larger audience.
Whenever a person Zao Sia, it immediately catches the attention
of the ppl around him, due to the foreign sound that is given out,
compared to the tone the victim speaks in, most of the time.
As soon as this happens, those who witness the
utterly embarrassing Zao Sia, will immediately
find it very funny, and will start laughing at the victim.
The effects of Zao Sia do not end there.
Due to the prominence of the Zao Sia moment,
it is constantly brought up as a joke, from time to time,
by friends of the victim.
It is also used to fatally tease a poor victim.
Victims usually find themselves extremely demoralized.
In the long run, Zao Sia can get really serious,
and may haunt a victim for the rest of his life.
A higher state of awareness for Zao Sia
"This shows that GESSIANS are students of ability"
- Mr Giam
It has been maoshonXly proven, that GESSIANS
are able to develop a higher state of awareness
for the detection of Zao Sia around them.
Such notable examples would be
Joshua Chia Si Min, Eugene Tay Zi Jing,
Wong Ho Wai and many more.
GESSIANS like Benny Ng Jiang Le and Loke Kum Wai
have made use of this ability to not only notice Zao Sia in GESS,
but also outside of school, when their Taekwondo instructor
Zao Sia, and they were the only 2 ppl laughing.
However, having a higher state of awareness does NOT,
in any manner, protect you from being a victim
of the deadly Zao Sia.
Such is the case of Joshua Chia Si Min, who has
developed the sensing ability, but was a miserable victim
of Zao Sia.
As he was attempting a fade away shot against Dickson in bball,
Dickson fouled him, and in that mixed moment
of strain, despair and excitement,
he did what we call,
a MAJOR Zao Sia.
Preventing Zao Sia.
"Zao Sia, it is a gift of laughter, yet a painful curse
on self esteem, should it really be prevented?"
- Motion of Sec 3 Debate Finals, 1997
(debate ended with a draw as each and every speaker
in the round, Zao Sia at least once in their speech,
in front of a live audience of 400, and went into great
There is no koshonXly proven method to prevent
the deadly Zao Sia.
"I never Zao Sia wan. I break voice is break properly"
- Tan Ri Sheng.
Indeed, it is true that Zao Sia mostly happens to boys.
but yet, the root of it remains a mystery,
causing a cure, not to be found as of AD 2007.
The only known way to prevent it, is to maintain
a cool attitude, always controlling ones excitement,
and always be aware that Zao Sia may happen anytime.
However, even this, isnt perfect as the collectively cool dude,
Joshua Chia Si Min,
has not only been a victim of a Zao Sia,
but a MAJOR Zao Sia.
Notable Zao Sia in GESS.
There are many Zao Sia moments in GESS,
but yet, only a few will prominently be remembered
as one of the greatest moments in GESS.
Leon Tan of 4H 2007
Zao Sia during the Sec 4/5 Spelling Bee Contest, 2007,
while trying to pronounce a girls name,
as the host/judge of the contest,
in front of a crowd of Sec 3s, 4s and 5s.
Royce Tan, graduate of Class of 2004.
Returned as the Parade Commander of National Day Parade 2007,
Zao Sia while giving his LAST command (second last syllable),
in front of virtually, the WHOLE SCHOOL.
"...kawalan kehormatan dahulu; ke kanan,
and finally, what inspired today's post,
Pledge Taker and Parade Commander
of daily Flag Raising ceremony, 19th October 2007 (today)
Parade Commander
a girl from band,
attempting to give the Sekolah Sedia command,
in front of the whole school.
"Sekol~~@ah~~@ Sedi~~a!!~~
already, witnesses were shaken by the MAJOR Zao Sia,
but hung on, to respect the National Anthem.
However, they were then overwhelmed by the following.
Pledge Taker
a sec one Indian boy, attempting to lead the school
in the National Pledge, but screws up miserably.
There will probably be no1, in the future
and no1 who have screwed up as much as this kid,
in reciting the pledge.
"Our Pledge.
We, the Citizens of Singapore,
pledge ourselves as one united people,
regardless of race, language, of race.
to build a demoratic asdkdjad&^&
*goes on to say some random shit*
..on justice and equality
so~~@ (ZAO SIA!!) as to achieve..
ok nevermind start again.
*faster pace*
We the citizens of Singapore pledge ourselves
as one united people, regardless of race,
language or religion,
to build a democratic society,
based on justice and equality,
so as to achieve HAPPINESS,
prosperity and progress,
for our Nation.
Pledge Over,
Hands Down. <-- LOL!!
1) Its THE pledge not OUR pledge (doesnt matter)
2) Modifies pledge with some random stuff
3) Forgot what Singapore must achieve.
4) for the first time in history, informally tells the school
that he will repeat the pledge
5) Pledge Over, Hands Down. LOL primary school style.
But really, the moment of brilliance was
the Zao Sia when he said "so".
Aziz's Notes: What are the odds of having both Parade Commander
and pledge taker screw up and Zao Sia on the same day?
and wow, it was all coincidentally recorded on camera
by Raymond and Naveen Kumar.
I am truly amazed.
Zao Sia.
A phenomenon.
Much of it is a mystery.
But one thing is for sure,
it will eventually be intertwined with the now
122 year old culture of GESS.
as for now, another phenomenon awaits.
its called O LEvELs~~@
~~@ = Zao Sia
Today was the last day of school.
As quoted from Zhuang Ling Zhen,
"Last time sing National Anthem, last time pledge taking ceremony,
last time sitting at us usual place in class etc etc etc"
Little did i expect much to happen during
flag raising ceremony this morning.
A moment so outrageous,
it will probably be imprinted on the history of
Gan Eng Seng School.
thn again, maybe just in our memories.
*add arch-villain music here*
Zao Sia is a popular joke among the sec 4s.
it can even be termed as a pop culture in GESS.
Defining Zao Sia
"Nobody knows how to define it, but yet, we comprehend it
as if it was Sexuality Education"
- Top graduate of Class of 1886
Zao Sia is defined as a moment when a person
unwillingly makes a funny high pitch sound,
when trying to say something.
It usually happens when you are excited,
and cant get a hold on urself.
It can also happen when u try to speak in a very unnatural,
or a very high pitch manner.
Zao Sia in Gan Eng Seng School.
"Because this is our school"
- random person
Zao Sia has been a great subject of mockery, teasing, joking,
and many more.
GESSIANs fret the fact that one day, they might Zao Sia,
be it in front of a common group of friends,
or even worse, in front of a larger audience.
Whenever a person Zao Sia, it immediately catches the attention
of the ppl around him, due to the foreign sound that is given out,
compared to the tone the victim speaks in, most of the time.
As soon as this happens, those who witness the
utterly embarrassing Zao Sia, will immediately
find it very funny, and will start laughing at the victim.
The effects of Zao Sia do not end there.
Due to the prominence of the Zao Sia moment,
it is constantly brought up as a joke, from time to time,
by friends of the victim.
It is also used to fatally tease a poor victim.
Victims usually find themselves extremely demoralized.
In the long run, Zao Sia can get really serious,
and may haunt a victim for the rest of his life.
A higher state of awareness for Zao Sia
"This shows that GESSIANS are students of ability"
- Mr Giam
It has been maoshonXly proven, that GESSIANS
are able to develop a higher state of awareness
for the detection of Zao Sia around them.
Such notable examples would be
Joshua Chia Si Min, Eugene Tay Zi Jing,
Wong Ho Wai and many more.
GESSIANS like Benny Ng Jiang Le and Loke Kum Wai
have made use of this ability to not only notice Zao Sia in GESS,
but also outside of school, when their Taekwondo instructor
Zao Sia, and they were the only 2 ppl laughing.
However, having a higher state of awareness does NOT,
in any manner, protect you from being a victim
of the deadly Zao Sia.
Such is the case of Joshua Chia Si Min, who has
developed the sensing ability, but was a miserable victim
of Zao Sia.
As he was attempting a fade away shot against Dickson in bball,
Dickson fouled him, and in that mixed moment
of strain, despair and excitement,
he did what we call,
a MAJOR Zao Sia.
Preventing Zao Sia.
"Zao Sia, it is a gift of laughter, yet a painful curse
on self esteem, should it really be prevented?"
- Motion of Sec 3 Debate Finals, 1997
(debate ended with a draw as each and every speaker
in the round, Zao Sia at least once in their speech,
in front of a live audience of 400, and went into great
There is no koshonXly proven method to prevent
the deadly Zao Sia.
"I never Zao Sia wan. I break voice is break properly"
- Tan Ri Sheng.
Indeed, it is true that Zao Sia mostly happens to boys.
but yet, the root of it remains a mystery,
causing a cure, not to be found as of AD 2007.
The only known way to prevent it, is to maintain
a cool attitude, always controlling ones excitement,
and always be aware that Zao Sia may happen anytime.
However, even this, isnt perfect as the collectively cool dude,
Joshua Chia Si Min,
has not only been a victim of a Zao Sia,
but a MAJOR Zao Sia.
Notable Zao Sia in GESS.
There are many Zao Sia moments in GESS,
but yet, only a few will prominently be remembered
as one of the greatest moments in GESS.
Leon Tan of 4H 2007
Zao Sia during the Sec 4/5 Spelling Bee Contest, 2007,
while trying to pronounce a girls name,
as the host/judge of the contest,
in front of a crowd of Sec 3s, 4s and 5s.
Royce Tan, graduate of Class of 2004.
Returned as the Parade Commander of National Day Parade 2007,
Zao Sia while giving his LAST command (second last syllable),
in front of virtually, the WHOLE SCHOOL.
"...kawalan kehormatan dahulu; ke kanan,
and finally, what inspired today's post,
Pledge Taker and Parade Commander
of daily Flag Raising ceremony, 19th October 2007 (today)
Parade Commander
a girl from band,
attempting to give the Sekolah Sedia command,
in front of the whole school.
"Sekol~~@ah~~@ Sedi~~a!!~~
already, witnesses were shaken by the MAJOR Zao Sia,
but hung on, to respect the National Anthem.
However, they were then overwhelmed by the following.
Pledge Taker
a sec one Indian boy, attempting to lead the school
in the National Pledge, but screws up miserably.
There will probably be no1, in the future
and no1 who have screwed up as much as this kid,
in reciting the pledge.
"Our Pledge.
We, the Citizens of Singapore,
pledge ourselves as one united people,
regardless of race, language, of race.
to build a demoratic asdkdjad&^&
*goes on to say some random shit*
..on justice and equality
so~~@ (ZAO SIA!!) as to achieve..
ok nevermind start again.
*faster pace*
We the citizens of Singapore pledge ourselves
as one united people, regardless of race,
language or religion,
to build a democratic society,
based on justice and equality,
so as to achieve HAPPINESS,
prosperity and progress,
for our Nation.
Pledge Over,
Hands Down. <-- LOL!!
1) Its THE pledge not OUR pledge (doesnt matter)
2) Modifies pledge with some random stuff
3) Forgot what Singapore must achieve.
4) for the first time in history, informally tells the school
that he will repeat the pledge
5) Pledge Over, Hands Down. LOL primary school style.
But really, the moment of brilliance was
the Zao Sia when he said "so".
Aziz's Notes: What are the odds of having both Parade Commander
and pledge taker screw up and Zao Sia on the same day?
and wow, it was all coincidentally recorded on camera
by Raymond and Naveen Kumar.
I am truly amazed.
Zao Sia.
A phenomenon.
Much of it is a mystery.
But one thing is for sure,
it will eventually be intertwined with the now
122 year old culture of GESS.
as for now, another phenomenon awaits.
its called O LEvELs~~@
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