Wednesday, April 09, 2008

EE FOC 2008

Electrical Engineering FOC ^^
Seriously i think this camp exceeded lots of ppl's
expectations cuz it turned out to be really fun.
Especially so when i feel that i connected with my
group really well.
Possibly as much as my OBS group.

My group name was Whisky,
named after the alcoholic drink that is Whisky

The ppl in my group remind me about lots of ppl.
Especially Ram, who reminds me of my ex cadet Siraj.
Except that he is 100 times more of a joker.
Saiful somehow reminds me of Haziq
but is much more outspoken.
Thn HH (not real name) reminds me of some guy in GESS
in our level, sec 5 now, forgot his name.
I think they're about 90% similar in terms of
physical appearance.

Even the group leaders remind me of certain ppl.
JJ REALLY reminds me of Ming Siu (ex APS).

Btw, my group has
HH = Hein Hein (i think dats how u spell his name?)
JJ = Jia Jun (group leader)
KK = Kin Kwok (group leader)
YY = forgot his name (group leader)

Technically, i'm also one of them
since Abdul Aziz = AA.
I only remembered that on the second day so nvrm.

Among the very fun moments in this camp were
"The Amazing Race" kind of thing we did around campus,
Mud games on a needless to say, very muddy field
which smells of cow dung,
and the time after lights out.

Lights out in this camp pretty much means
you are supposed to sleep but other thn making
too much noise, you can do whatever you want.

A group outside was playing soccer.
I wud have joined in if i didnt have a headache.
I wanted to spend time with my groupmates anyway.
Much of the time was spent playing card games
which were damn fun.
The forfeits especially.
But on the 2nd night we also told ghost stories.
I swear Hazman has the best ghost stories ever.
A senior thn told us all the ghost stories in NP.

I remain very skeptical of most of the stories la.
But still, im not gonna be one of those who stay in school
all the way til 8pm to study :)

After activities, and briefings and "lectures"
here and there, it was time to go,
but not before snapping some pics
and cheering
and cheering
and cheering.

Rest assured, including GLs, I'll be sure to look out
for you all in campus when school term begins.