Wednesday, March 24, 2010

old books

I tend to have a sentimental side to myself when it comes to throwing stuff away.
My mom told me to rid my room off at least a few old books and papers that i've kept
for the past decade.
At the end of it all, i only found myself willing to give away only half of wad i looked through.
And what i looked through was only probably a fifth of what i still have, stored in my room.

Whenever i have to throw things away, i tend to favour the idea of needing to use them again one day; so i refuse to throw them away at all. Besides that, it's like almost every item that i've ever owned or used has a value and a memory that comes with it. I'm probably afraid of losing this memory which will go away with the item.

But, i admit, they've been there for pretty long and i've not even given a slight peek at any of them. Well, at least i'm not actually throwing them away, instead i'm recycling. Thank god for those yellow plastic bags.

I promised mom i'd do all the cleaning and reorganizing by next week. I somehow feel that this would actually help me in reorganizing my habits and my life. Hope i get it done.