Monday, February 01, 2010

1 year station

Hello people! After such a long time i'm back, and for no apparent reason!
Instead of creating a new blog, i just settled with using the old one, except
i changed the template to the one i had on my China blog.
I'm not familiar with all these HTML stuff so i really dont know what to do
with those archive stuff and all. Plus, it looks kinda messy,
but i'll be using this until i find myself bothering about finding something better.

Lots of stuff happened in my life in the period between this post and the last.
But i'm not gonna go through all those right now am I?

What I'd like to do is to make a belated reflection on the year 2009.
2009 is in many ways a milestone year for me.
Lots of changes, lots of developments, and also lots of issues.
At any rate, I hope 2010 will be an even better year.

I've got no school today so i actually went down to town with the intention
of at least buying one item. Eventually, I found nothing suitable. I don't know what
to blame. My small size, or the retailers who don't stock up enough 'S' sizes.
I hope the shopping trip with SBU will be a more fruitful one.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my first update in 2010. Have a nice day....