Friday, September 07, 2007

tomorrow ROD

Blur Recruit
(sung to the tune of Que Serra Serra)

When I was just a blur recruit,
I asked my Sergeant,
what would I be?
Would I be CSM?
Would I be PS?
Here's what he said to me.
Boss to you recruit,
this is not your father's unit.
The future's not for me to see..
Drop twenty for me.


Now I am not a blur recruit,
I have served 4 years (roughly) in NCC.
I am not CSM.
I am not PS.
But tomorrow i R.O.D*
I am so happy (plus sad also la)
Tomorrow i R.O.D
But then something reminds me.
Got exams; study...

a major turn-off

*R.O.D = relief of duty.