Thursday, January 11, 2007

Thursday is Doomsday

One look at the time table (4G)
and you'll know that Thursday is one
pathetic day.

Double A.Math/POA
followed by double E.Math
followed by double English
followed by Chemistry
followed by double Biology

POA was to be boring as usual
E.Math was to be as confusing as usual
there was gonna be a writing test
and a Chem test,
and well, 1 hour of absorbing Bio stuff.

but hey!
it turned out to be an OK day.

breezed thru POA cuz the topic was easy,
did some timing thing for E.Math,
(i write 40 words per minute)
and i think i did a good job on writing,
"Is The Majority Always Right?"
Chem test was an open book one
and I THINK i'll pass.
Bio was great cuz we recieved test marks.
27/30 XD
also did summore tests.

maybe u just cant judge a book by its cover.
in this case, a day by the timetable.