Thursday, January 04, 2007

CCA Orientation (UG) 2007

Time flies.
CCA Orientation for Uniformed Groups is tomorrow.

the condition of NCC's static display room
well, its in a mess really,
but tmr we'll do the touch ups.

mock attack seems to be okay.
thnx to the help from CLTs.
my only concerns there are the smoke bombs.
and the fairly good acting.

from what ive heard, this year's batch are inactive in physical activities.

every year theres ALOT of competition from other UGs.
this year, SJAB has been having a rather big campaign.
Giving out flyers everywhere.
Scouts, as usual will have the most impressive display.
Many are attracted to NPCC's shooting range.
And of course,
BB's constant improvement into being a top flight unit.

NCC has been the most consistent unit in GESS history.
but dat doesnt mean we have a clear win.
we arent the best NCOs ever.
some may even think we'll be the downfall of the unit.
tomorrow is part of the deciding factor.

may god be with us.