Monday, September 18, 2006


My IPOD Shuffle(however u spell it)

just died.
i dont know wad the fish happened to it.
it can be charged.
it can be detected in the computer.
it suffers no tampered buttons.




okay, not the fanciest of all handphones
some random sony ericsson shit
and its second hand anyway
but fuck
i bought it for 130 bucks
who would give me 130 bucks?
you? the person who visits my blog?
this marks the 3rd time i lost contact with my phone
and the 2nd time i lost it

meaning there was once i left it in the taxi,
kept calling and calling it,
and recovered it.

so i got screwed.
but i wasnt just gonna let it be.
i rode 3 times, the bus that i lost the phone in.
and i reported it at the interchange.
sadly, it was raining and i brought an umbrella
even more sadly, i left the umbrella in the bus. i got screwed
freaking hellishly, that umbrella was my fathers favourite.

dats not all.

MY TELEVISION (not exactly mine)

is not working properly. both of em.
the first one suffers some kind of "mechanical hiccups"
while ur keenly watching some animals mating on some documentary,
the screen turns black while emitting some irritating sound.

the second one
SOMEHOW has to preload.
preloading television?
i have one!
it takes 15 mins for it to turn from a blank screen
to a full coloured one.


my computer monitor
suffers from "mechanical hiccups" too

so THIS is wad i call pain.

without ipod and handphone
my pocket feels so empty
i cant play games properly
i cant watch tv properly
i cant fucking think properly