Wednesday, November 05, 2008

YES WE CAN - Obama wins

Seriously ah,
Obama REALLY knows to to speak well.
I hvnt rly been following the US presidential elections
THAT much.
But all the way over here in Singapore,
i watch his acceptance speech on the internet,
and i can FEEL the impact of Obama's words.
Probably one of the best black speakers
after Martin Luther King, Jr.
Malcolm X,
Mohamed Ali,
and Samuel L Jackson.
(i kid on the last part)

"That's it! I've had enough of these motherfuckin snakes,
on these motherfuckin plane!"
- Samuel L Jackson, in Snakes in a Plane.

come on, this quote deserves some praise..

But anyway, here's Obama's acceptance speech.
Damn nice la ;_;

I couldnt embed the more inspiring version.
The one with better camera angles and footage.
But its HERE. (scroll down)

I think like 10 out of 10 young adults like us
in Singapore have been rooting for Obama..

I also dunno why.
Its as if it came naturally.

Hopefully he will be THE man in history
to CHANGE America.
And as everybody knows,
changing America = changing the world.
(but dun ask me why)

Im really dumb when it comes to politics.
(thn again im dumb at almost anything)

But i really hope Obama will do a great job.

For change that we need..
Change that we can believe in..


(this tagline of his may end up being as famous
as "I have a dream")

oh, and those who were wondering wad the NATO
in my PM means,
its No Action, Talk Only.
My friend taught me that today.