Sunday, October 26, 2008

Ok so today i went swimming at Yongli's house.
A pretty cool pool btw.
We went on to play an intensively modified
game of water polo,
pioneered by the likes of JUUgene, YongJUU,
IgnaJUU and JUUshua.
I think i rather call it water rugby.

And so dat was fun and all,
but other stuff happened.

A boy came to walk by the pool with a basketball.
He was just walking by to get to somewhere else,
care freely bouncing his bball just by the pool.
For some reason his ball dropped into the pool.

He cried (and we laughed).
Felt bad for laughing but IgnaJUU helped retrieve his ball,
and was not rewarded with a "thank you".
But its okay.
We had a fair share of laughter.
You see the funny thing was dat he did not call
for any sort of help.
Instead, he just stood there, looking at his ball,
and crying.
But seriously i felt bad for him.

An even funnier example would be the story
of ANOTHER boy.

He was riding a bike by the pool.
I saw him looking at us playing with a fountain,
and he was trying to figure out wad we were trying to do.
He found it rather amusing and laughed abit.
Then i looked away.
There wasnt even a big splash.
There was only Sufi laughing hysterically,
pointing at one direction.

There, just behind us, was a soaking wet boy,
and a bicycle in the pool.
A freaking bicycle in a pool.
How often do you see dat.

We laughed; alot.
But we also went on to help him.
This boy didnt cry though.

I swear Yongli lives with weird people.
People who randomly drop things
or ride their bikes into a pool.

Yea so dats pretty much it.
Earlier on i was watching Tales of the Abyss.


Oh no...

With a girl like Tear following him around,
I dont blame Luke.